Monday, February 16, 2009

"Waking up is hard to do."

Addie has a hard time waking up many, many mornings when I go to get her up to take Ella to school. Don't worry I checked to make sure she was breathing before I ran for the camera. She is such a violent sleeper. I do not understand how she sleeps as sound as she does with all that movement. When Ella turned 2 we moved her to a twin bed, but I really do not think Addie could handle that. She needs the four walls of the crib to cage her in, or she would end up on the other side of the room in the morning. She may be in that crib for a while yet.
You will also notice alot of clutter in the crib. That is because Addie has to sleep with 3 blankets at night, a sippie of milk, a stuffed animal or doll, and usually a toy or book on top of that. If you can't find something you need it is probably in Addie's bed. I am sure we break every sleep code in the parenting safety manual, but old habits are hard to break.

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