Monday, May 11, 2009

Bubble Bath Fun

Nothing like a bubble bath in the jet tub for an hour of fun! It is a money saver too. Just a couple of capfuls combined with the jets for a result of more bubbles than you could have dreamed of.

Here's my little pirate. ARRRGH!

My little Whig.


Addie decided to start a bubble fight by knocking Ella's "hat" off.

Pirates do not take that kind of harassment without a fight. And, thus the great 'Bubble War of 2009' began. Pirates vs. Whigs...the war rages on.


Terri said...

I love their "wigs." Too cute!

Alicia Jane said...

CUTE CUTE CUTE!! Love them and miss them :(

Deaton, party of 5 said...

How funny! Can I come over and play in those bubbles soon? Seriously, did you jump in or what?