Friday, February 12, 2010

My Biggest Obsession...

I have been reeled in by the mindless fun and games facebook has to offer. Yes I am addicted. There was an episode of Dr. Phil recently highlighting a mom who planned her whole life around when her Farmville crops needed harvesting and planting. As pathetic as it might sound I can relate on some levels. I wouldn't call myself as addicted as that woman, but I have been a little obsessed lately. So much so that now my kids are obsessed. Ella loves to come home from school and immediately hop on the computer to check her pet.

The designers of these facebook games are genius. They take the thoughtless task of clicking a mouse and turn it into a necessary part of our day. I have to have my game time, or I feel like I have let my "farm" or "pet" down at the risk of letting my own household down, pathetic huh? But, so much eye-glazing fun.

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